💌 a poem by Rupi Kaur 💌

This project is created based on a poem called Wilder by Rupi Kaur.
It is short but powerful for it promotes self love and encourages individuals to be confident about themselves.
I love the words in this poem and decide to give it a special twist for users to read the poem through creative coding.

"a poem by Rupi Kaur" is important because a lot of people, including me, used to or continue to suffer from being not confident enough about ourselves.
I wish I can have the chance to tell those who are experiencing this feeling to never be afraid to show their difference, for it should be celebrated.

— Angie 🌸

"Wilder" by Rupi Kaur

The universe took its time on you

crafted you to offer the world

something different from everyone else

when you doubt how you were created

you doubt an energy greater than us both

💡 Instructions:

Make poses with your body and arms to trigger lines from the poem!

Available poses🤫:

- Place both of your arms hotizontally on top of each other (left: = :right)
- hold left hand with right into a circle while keeping your elbows flat (left: =()= :right)
- both arm vertical straight up (left: || :right)
- both arm cross infront of face (left: X :right)
- both palm in praying pose on each other in the center(left: --||-- :right)

🕹 Interactive code:

Play with the code below with camera on!